Thursday, January 17, 2008

Love is blind?!

Currently..may is quite tired. Jz came back from a long day in college. Fatigue, exhausted.

Worst summo. rcved A very very bad news from a friend..

After breaking up with the girl..he...he CARVED her name on his arm?!?!

I don't believe it. Please tell me u lie to me!!!

Or rather.....i don't want to believe it.

How could a person be such immature??DId u think of the consequences?! if u wanna rub it off then how pain would it be??

Dear fren, there are lotsa things awaiting you in the future. I might not be at any place to advise you or whatever. I jz hope tat somehow when the time goes by, u can stand up strong n get back to your normal life. There s no point n very very worthless to waste ur time n suffer the painfulness all by urself. I understand love is blind.....but no matter wut.....nth can chg the fact.

Life continues.

=wake up my fren... from maymay=

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